• +39 3333257268
  • gianluca.carbone.30@gmail.com


Gianluca Carbone training method is based on a mix of Personal Physical Training and Tennis Special Drills. Includes Spanish tennis concepts. He has been the first in Italy to study the scientific basis of the Spanish method that lead Spain to become the strongest nation in the world in the last 20 years.

He has organised 25 tennis stages and conferences on this training method.


The conferences by Gianluca Carbone are aimed at coaches, players, parents and other sport enthusiasts.

Here are some of the conferences he held:

  • Treviso, International Symposium entitled: “From Parent to Coach. The psychophysics growth of a young tennis player”.
  • Treviso, Leonardo da Vinci High School, “The awareness game and the value of failure”
  • Milan, International Tennis Symposium, “Comparison of Spanish and American Method”.
  • Milan, 18th international Pro Camp Symposium, “The awareness concept in tennis”
  • In February 2018 he held conferences to present his book “The awareness game” in South Africa, at Wanderers Club and Advantage
  • Webinars about Visual Training for Tennis, Posturology about tennis players, Nutrition and Mental Issues.
  • He has 16 episodes on SupertTennis Tv about Tennis coaching and Physical Training
  • He published 60 articles on Il Tennis Italiano, the oldest and famous tennis magazine in the world
  • In 2024 he was speaker of 4Th World Tennis Conference organised from ATP, GPTCA and Segal Institute about “From Junior to Pro. Injuries control and learning process methods.”